May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


Present:    Cllr D Durrant – Leverton Parish Council Chairman

Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council

Also Present:    

5 members of the public

Chairman’s Annual Report

2021-2022 began with the Parish Council coming out of the Covid-19 restrictions with a depleted number of Parish Councillors and although it wasn’t the best position to be in, it did not deter or hinder the Council from completing its responsibilities as it has remained in a quorate position. In June, four applications were received for the vacancies, the Council invited two applicants to interview and were pleased to offer a position to Mrs Fiona Osborne who has now become a valued member of the Council.

The year has continued with the dedication of all members regarding issues around the parish including the lay by grounds maintenance and parish roads. Cllr Derek Horwat has again committed his time to the upkeep of the playing fields and the orchard and he has highlighted issues and helped to maintain the play and exercise equipment. The Council also wish to extend its thanks to Cllr Nick White for the use of his time and equipment on the maintenance of the playing fields.

In September it was announced that the Parish Council would be in receipt of a grant from Boston Borough Council for £1000.00. These funds were to be used within the parish by the Parish Council or local community groups to give something back and to enable the community to come together again after the Covid-19 pandemic. The council opted to utilise the funds to refurbish the exterior of the Church Hall, giving longevity to the building and the opportunity for the community to use it for many years to come. This project is expected to be completed by early Summer 2022.

November saw another co-option application from Mr Nigel Chandler who wished to return to the council after a period of absence. It was agreed that due to his previous experience, contributions and commitment, Mr Chandler would make a valued addition and Council approved his application unanimously.  The Parish Council are confident that applications from suitably qualified candidates will be received in due course to fill the remaining vacancy.

Finally, I would like to thank all the Parish Councillors and Clerk for the assistance they have given over the last twelve months in keeping the ship afloat and to extend thanks to Councillor Peter Bedford and Councillor Paul Skinner for their continued support and welcomed advice.

Poors Land Trust Annual Report

There have been three meetings held over the last twelve months, those being June 2021, November 2021 and Feb 2022.

It was again not possible to inspect the allotments due to the inclement weather but the reports from S Fletcher and R Wright indicated that there was nothing to be concerned with.

In November the list of beneficiaries was discussed there were 3 further additions and the 35 listed beneficiaries all received a share of the distribution at £100.00 each. 

The closing balance on the accounts stood at £13541.36. 

Simon Clark Charity Annual Report

The Simon Clarke Charity held three meetings during the last year all preceded by the Leverton Poor’s Land Trust. 

In the June meeting it was agreed that the distribution payments of £60.00 each were made to two beneficiaries.

In the November meeting it was agreed that the 2nd distribution payments of £60.00 were again made to the two beneficiaries.

At the March meeting the clerk presented the accounts which stood at £495.38. 

Boston Borough Council Annual Report

It’s been a good year for the Council, we’ve joined forces with 2 other councils, South Holland and East Lindsey, which should show we have much more resilience and this also has opened up a larger pool of staff, talent and experience to be able to call upon. We have been successful in securing £29million with the town deal and match funding and there are lots of other communities’ funding available which we have been able to call upon. 

Lincolnshire County Council Annual Report

It’s been a challenging year with the government cuts which saw Lincolnshire CC loose £12million
from their budget two year’s ago, the Council have managed to bridge the gap with funds from reserves however these are depleting and unfortunately, there has been the need to increase the level of rates to reflect the deficit. 

There have also been some good things happening, the Flood and Water committee has been working well as a partnership to flag up near misses and this has provided the council with good data which in turn will be a huge advantage for the future of our coastal area.

To receive comments from the public on any relevant local issues

There were no comments presented to the meeting.

The Chairman thanked all those in attendance and the meeting closed at 7.00pm.