March 2020 Remote Decision Making Record



1. To Consider and Agree Remotely the Implementation of the Following Action Plan during the Coronavirus Outbreak:

a) Safety Statement - Meetings.

That the Parish Council recognises and agrees that no business, meeting, service provision or service delivery of the Authority is of any importance above that of public and personal safety. As such all scheduled public meetings will be cancelled for an initial 4 month period (or as circumstances dictate).

b) Suspension of Standing Orders/Financial Regulations.

That the Parish Council gives delegated authority to the Parish Clerk (in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman and Chairman of respective substantive committees (ie: Staffing Committee) to: suspend any relevant Standing Order or Financial Regulation as necessary to ensure the smooth running and operation (wherever possible) of the Parish Council for a period of no longer than 4 months (or as circumstances dictate), with the Parish Clerk to compile and maintain a list of such suspensions and reasons which will be to be presented to a future meeting of the Parish Council.

c) Annual Council Meeting/Annual Parish Meeting.

That as the cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (scheduled for 11th May 2020), the roles of Chairman, Vice Chairman and the existing committee structures (including the chairmanship of such) will remain the same until a suitable and safe public meeting is called and held. Where any cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the holding of the Annual Parish Meeting, the Town Council will hold such meeting at a future date. It is noted that whilst the above decisions are contrary to existing legislation (as of 16th March 2020) the Town Council has made these decisions in order to place public safety at the forefront.

d) Orders for Payment.

That the Parish Clerk along with those elected Members with delegated responsibility for the authorising and signing of payments put measures in place with robust transparency processes to ensure effective business continuation and to minimise impact on local service delivery and local business with ratification by the Parish Council to be made at the earliest and safest opportunity.

e) Budgetary Control and Authority To Spend.

To authorise an increase in the spending limit to the Parish Clerk in consultation with the Chairman / Vice Chairman from any item below £1,000 to any amount below £ 5,000 in respect of any emergency or Health & Safety matter.

f) Policy Updates.

That delegation is afforded to the Parish Clerk to update policy documentation where revision dates are the only necessary updates. Where any legislative changes are necessary, the Parish Clerk will update relevant documentation and implement any necessary changes.

g) General Information Updates.

To keep elected Members (via email / telephone calls) and members of the public (via the Parish Council website and notice boards (where / when relevant and practicable)) updated on advice from (and as relevant):

  • Central Government & the NHS
  • Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (LRF) / Emergency Planning Team
  • the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
  • the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC)

Telephone response received to implement the above actions:

Cllr J Moore 25/03/2020 @ 10.00am - in agreement
Cllr D Durrant 27/03/2020 @ 10.10am – in agreement

Email responses received to implement the above actions:

Cllr Derek Horwat 25/03/2020 @ 11.23am – in agreement
Cllr Judy Welbourn 25/03/2020 @ 5.54pm- in agreement
Cllr Joanne Self-Shutts 25/03/2020 @ 6.40pm – in agreement
Cllr Nigel Chandler 29/03/2020 @ 6.12pm – in agreement