November 2022 Minutes




Cllr D Durrant – Chairman
Cllrs: Mr N Chandler, Mrs F Osborne, Mr N White, Mrs J Self-Shutts, Mr D Horwat
Also Present:    Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council
Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance

22/86    Apologies

Apologies were received prior to the meeting from Cllr P Bedford and Cllr P Skinner

22/87 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 

There were no declarations received.

22/88    Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held 17 October 2022 be approved as a correct record of the meeting and be signed by the Chairman.

22/89    Reports from Lincolnshire County Council/Boston Borough Council

There were no reports provided

22/90    Issues relating to the Playing Fields, Potholes and the Environment of the Parish

Playing Fields

Cllr Horwat reported that there had been damage to the trees in the orchard and surrounding area of which the worst damage was to a Rowan tree which was now only 12 -14 inches high. It was believed the damage had been caused by children attempting to climb the trees. Council agreed to look at purchasing some larger and more mature trees in the spring to plant in that area.

The clerk stated that a quotation had been obtained from Kompan for the replacement climbing frame parts however, it was unclear if the ‘Rock Face’ price related to the vertical piece or the angled piece therefore the clerk would clarify this. It was RESOLVED to go ahead and order the parts to be installed as a matter of health and safety once clarification had been sought.

The clerk also confirmed that Calloo had suggested it would be more cost effective to purchase the replacement wooden beams on the zip wire platform from a local builders merchant as the cost of freight outweighed the cost of the parts. It was RESOLVED for Cllr White to obtain these and expense them to the Parish Council.  

It was reported that a start had been made on the potholes along Highgate however there were still a significant amount which had been reported but were still to be addressed.


The clerk had circulated a communication between Cllr P Bedford and Witham Fourth IDB regarding relocating the marble bench at Leverton Pump Station which had been discussed during the previous meeting. The clerk confirmed that these matters were moving along and the bench would be relocated further up the bank where it was more accessible in due course

22/91  Refurbishment of the Church Hall

The clerk confirmed that the committee of St Helena’s Church were currently raising funds to replace the Church Hall roof and therefore the earlier decision to defer the repainting of the Hall until Spring was the correct one. It was agreed to keep this item on the agenda for future updates to be related to Council if and when they occurred.

22/92   Village Gateway Signs

The clerk confirmed that the design was currently with the technical team and would be forwarded out once received. It was RESOLVED that the quotation would be approved by a round-robin email once the details on sizing and costings had been sent out and agreed.

22/93    Finance

It was RESOLVED to accept the payments as per the payment sheet 11/2022, details below:

Staff costs



RN Moore

Footpath cutting


Malc Firth

Layby grass cutting


D Horwat

Viking Stationary

Mower costs

Printer Inks

£  34.00

£  96.46

22/94    To adopt the new Model Code of Conduct policy

It was RESOLVED to adopt the new policy effective immediately

22/95 Matters for discussion only or to be added to the next agenda.

There were no matters 

22/96    Date and Time of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 19 December 2022 beginning at 7.00pm, at The Church Hall, Main Road A52, Leverton.

There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 7.40pm.