December 2019 Minutes


Present: Councillors: D Durrant – Chairman

Councillors: J Moore – Vice Chairman

Mrs J Self-Shutts, Mr N Chandler

Also Present: Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance for the open forum.

41 Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

42 Apologies

Cllr N White gave his apologies and reasons which were accepted by the council, Cllr P Bedford and Cllr J Welborn, Boston Borough Council and Cllr P Skinner Lincolnshire County Council gave their apologies. PCSO Kym Rayment also offered her apologies which were received after the meeting.

43 Police Matters

The following incidents were received from PCSO Rayment after the meeting:

1 x transport hazard – Main A52

2 x traffic offences – Main A52

44 Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations

There were no declarations received.

45 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 18th November 2019, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

46 Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

There were no viewpoints for discussion.

47 Report from the minutes of the last meeting/Clerk’s report

The Clerk presented a report containing details of the three quotes for provision of an artificial surface in and around the goal mouths on the playing fields. Due to the limited number of councillors present it was agreed to defer this item until the next meeting with the clerk tasked in the interim to ascertain the guarantees and durability of each of the options quoted by Dales Sports.

Mrs Moore confirmed that Western Power were still repairing the pipework which led to the Sheepgate flooding issue. The Chairman stated that the drain/gully at the Bus shelter on the lay-by was still an issue and although not flooded at the present time it might need pumping out. The Chairman also confirmed that 15 saplings had been delivered and planted at the periphery of the playing fields.

48 Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

There were no Borough or County Councillors present

49 Accounts for payment/Finance

It was RESOLVED to accept the payments as per the BACS statement 12/16 dated December 2019. Members were given a report from the RFO which updated all members present on the current financial situation. The bank account balance as at close of business on 30th November 2019 was £29,271.54 with BACS and cheque payments of £512.48 due to be made after approval at this meeting.

50 Precept

The clerk presented an up to date budget showing the expenditure incurred to date and the forecast for the coming year. The Members discussed the budget and RESOLVED that the Precept remain the same, at £15,000, for the next financial year.

51 Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve upon

1. Parish Council Newsletter – circulated to all members

2. Schools admission policy

3. Call Connect Christmas promotion – from December 23rd until January 2nd inclusive countrywide CallConnect bus service is giving passengers the chance to travel free for 15s and under and only £1 one way for adults.

4. English language provision in Boston – an exciting launch of a new website

5. FixMyStreet updates received confirming all those reported have been dealt with or are in the process of being dealt with.

6. Information Commissioners Office – we have now completed policy renewal for GDPR compliance

7. LALC E-News Update – circulated to all members


52 Planning

1. Application No: B/19/0486

Single storey rear extension and two storey side extension at 11, Laceys Lane, Leverton, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE22 0BD – The Parish Council had no objectios and supported this application

53 Reports for Various Bodies/Other Members

Mrs Moore stated that the issue of standing water at No 4 on the pull in area adjacent to the Main A52 carriageway has reoccurred due to the heavy rain. The Chairman agreed to contact Mr C Chandler at the Highways Department. The clerk confirmed she had received a complaint from residents on Sheepgate regarding the mud still being dragged into the gullies opposite Come Bye by the tractors exiting the field. The clerk confirmed that she had spoken to the farmer and had asked for the sweepers to be deployed more often to combat this. Mrs Moore and Mrs J Self-Shutts asked if it would be possible to have an area of hard standing put in at the bottom of the ramp up to the pumping station. Although it was agreed that the gates remaining locked was a positive deterrent to fly tipping, the downside was that with no access for cars to get to the large parking area at the top, the verges at the bottom were being torn up by vehicles turning round. The clerk confirmed she would raise this with Cllr P Bedford.

54 Date and Time of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 13th January 2020 beginning at 7pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance, wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and declared the meeting closed at 7.58 pm.