November 2019 Minutes


Present: Councillors: D Durrant – Chairman

Councillors: J Moore – Vice Chairman

Mr D Horwat, Mr P Bedford (Borough)

Also Present: Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance for the open forum.

27 Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

28 Apologies

Cllr N White, Cllr N Chandler and Cllr Self Shutts gave their apologies and reasons which were accepted by the council, PCSO Kym Rayment also offered her apologies which were accepted by the council.

29 Police Matters

The following incidents had been reported to the clerk in the absence of PCSO Rayment:

1 x concern for safety – Main A52

1 x fraud/forgery incident – Leverton Outgate

1 x transport hazard – Lacey’s Lane

1 incident of violence – Lacey’s Lane

1 criminal damage – Main A52

1 road traffic collision – Main A52

30 Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations

There were no declarations received.

31 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 21st October 2019, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

32 Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

There were no viewpoints for discussion.

33 Report from the minutes of the last meeting/Clerk’s report

The Chairman reported that he had met with Chris Chandler, Lincs County Council Highways Officer accompanied by the clerk recently and he reported that the details of the road were very much the same as Chris Chandler had noted. Mrs Moore reported that the issues of flooding on Sheepgate/Highgate had been reported as damage to the underground gripping pipe caused by Western Power when the power poles had been replaced, she confirmed that Western Power were now tasked with undertaking the necessary remedial works.

Mrs Moore reported that the insurance claim for the Leisure Centre was still ongoing. Mr Horwat reported he had not heard anything further regarding the provision of the sapling trees which could be a result of the adverse weather conditions.

The Clerk presented the following report:

Date Description Action Taken Complete Ongoing
21/10/2019 Clerk to contact Witham Fourth IDB regarding clearance of ditch at the junction of Highgate and Davids Lane Contacted Neil Foster who will contact the foreman to arrange drain clearance  
21/10/2019 Clerk to report large potholes on corner of Sea Road and Oldfield Lane and chase Fix My Street report ref: 4133967 and to report overgrown footpath along A52 Footpath reported with ref: 357458
Sea Lane @ Sauls Farm reported with ref: 357459
Lodge Farm with ref: 357460
21/10/2019 Clerk to contact Chris Chandler to arrange review of parish roads with the Chairman Inspection scheduled for 10am 6th November  
21/10/2019 Clerk to arrange provision of new ‘please drive carefully’ signage as resolved by Council Signage ordered and collected  
21/10/2019 Clerk to obtain quotes for Astro Turf for the football pitch on the Playing Field Three quotes obtained  
21/10/2019 Request for nomination of representative to Porrill & Cowell Trust Clerk to inform Jo Briggs of nomination  
21/10/2019 Provide feedback on application B/19/0396 Response of no observations provided to the Planning Department  

34 Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr P Bedford reported that the matter of replacing the refuse bins when damaged was still under debate at the council.

35 Accounts for payment/Finance

It was RESOLVED to accept the payments as per the BACS statement 11/18 dated November 2019. Members were given a report from the RFO which updated all members present on the current financial situation. The bank account balance as at close of business on 18th November 2019 was £30,623.48 with BACS and cheque payments of £1571.11 due to be made after approval at this meeting.

The additional expenditure for November has arisen due to the grass flailing/ footpath cutting costs and layby hedge cutting however, there will be a slight increase on the balance as the cheques paid in from the Poor’s Land Trust and Simon Clark Charity in respect of the clerk’s part year salary payment will credit within the next few days.

36 Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve upon

1. Christmas Stamp Appeal 2019 – Poster displayed on Parish Notice board and envelope ordered

2. Council & Clerks Direct

3. Notice of Election – Displayed on Parish notice Board

4. Parish Council Newsletter October 2019

5. What the Flood? Flood Action Campaign – postponed

6. Details of Cllr Paul Skinner’s planned ward walk

37 Co-option for Parish Councillor Vacancy

One application had been received for the vacancy of councillor which was currently available and the clerk was asked to write and inform Mrs J Welborn of her successful application and begin the process of sending the appropriate paperwork for completion.

38 Planning

There were no planning applications for consideration

39 Reports for Various Bodies/Other Members

Mrs Moore stated that the dyke on the layby was filling up at on end and was unsure if it was blocked at the point at the bus shelter. It was agreed that the responsibility lay with Lincolnshire County Council and the Parish Council would monitor the situation for the present time.

40 Date and Time of the next Parish Council Meeting

Date and time of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 16th December 2019 beginning at 7pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 7.36 pm.