March 2019 Minutes
MINUTES of the Meeting held at The Church Hall, Main Road, Leverton on Monday, 25th March 2019.
D Durrant in the Chair
Present:- Councillors: Mrs J Moore (Vice Chairman), Mrs J Self-Shutts, Mr N White, Mr N Chandler,
Mr D Horwat, Cllr P Bedford, Boston Borough Council, Cllr P Skinner, Lincolnshire County Council
Parish Clerk: Mrs Carol Anderton
Members of the Public: Mrs S Bell
Apologies: None
There was one member of the public present, Mrs Sue Bell, who introduced herself to the council as standing on behalf of the Conservative Party for the Boston Coastal Ward in the upcoming local elections.
The Chairman presented a list of recorded incidents provided by PCSO Kym Rayment, who was unable to attend the meeting, as below:
1 Suspicious circumstance – Main A52
1 Transport Hazard – Ings Lane
1 Incidence of violence – Laceys Avenue
There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the Meeting held on 25th February 2019 were agreed as presented and signed by
the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
6.0 Matters arising:
6.1 Play Park
Mr Horwat raised the subject of the play park inspection which would be completed in June and advised it may be prudent to put some topsoil around the goalmouth areas of the football pitch. Mr White confirmed he was able to provide the topsoil and arrangements would be made in
due course to transport it to the playing fields.
6.2 Poor Condition of Parish Roads
The Chairman stated that he had left messages for Mr C Chandler regarding the tour of the parish for the purpose of inspecting the parish roads, the clerk confirmed she had spoken with Mr Chandler on another matter and that he had confirmed he would be in touch to arrange a suitable date. The clerk also confirmed that Mr Chandler had enquired if someone familiar with the Lacey’s Lane/Avenue/Drive/Meadowbank area would also be available to accompany him, the clerk confirmed she had spoken with Mrs Moore who had agreed that she would be available.
6.4 Vermin Issue Around The Waste Bins In The Layby
The Chairman confirmed that he had not seen any vermin in the area however the refuse collection was less than satisfactory again. The Chairman stated that this seemed to be an ongoing issue and that a stern letter to the appropriate department may be necessary. Cllr Bedford confirmed he would contact Christian Allen, Head of Environmental Operations, as Mr P Drury was away from the office until the beginning of April 2019. The
Chairman confirmed that he would put the letter on hold but asked that it be supported by the parish council to send in the event that things did not improve, which was subsequently agreed unanimously.
6.5 Leverton Emergency Plan
There was nothing further to report as the clerk was still awaiting confirmation that the draft document had been approved.
6.6 Leverton Leisure Centre Subsidence
Mrs Moore confirmed that notification had been received that the soil sample testing was scheduled for 16th May 2019.
6.7 Coastal Access
Cllr Bedford stated that Environment Agency had confirmed they would only open the footbridge on the coastal pathway at Wainfleet on appointments.
The Section 137 payments were approved as follows:
Leverton PCC | Churchyard Maintenance and use of Church Hall | £500.00 |
Parish Magazine (Guardian Press (Boston) Ltd.) | Donation | £100.00 |
M Peto | Maintenance Expenses – Playing Field | £150.00 |
D Horwat | Maintenance Expenses – Playing Field | £150.00 |
Old Leake with Wrangle Methodist Chapel | Maintenance Expenses | £100.00 |
The Clerk requested the following payments be approved:
A Blythe Layby Clearance £ 240.00 (Cheque)
C A Anderton & HMRC (Clerk Salary/Tax deduction) £ 250.00 (BACS)
10.1 Community Lincs
A letter from the insurers confirming change of administration to Zurich.
Parish Council Newsletter
Mrs Moore stated that the residents of the bungalow next to Dickinsons Garage on the Main Road were having issues with the unfinished pathway between their bungalow and the building plot next door. Also the inspection cover on the road outside his property was loose and rattled when any vehicle drove over it. It was understood to have previously been looked at by BT but nothing had been done. Cllr Bedford confirmed the footpath would not have to be finished until the building works had been completed and the Chairman confirmed he would raise the issue of the inspection cover with Mr C Chandler.
The date of the next meeting had been previously agreed as Monday 29th April 2019 at The Church Hall, Main Road, Leverton commencing at 7.00pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked those in attendance and closed the meeting at 7.40 pm.