October 2024 Minutes


                                                             MONDAY 21 OCTOBER 2024


Present:               Cllr D Durrant – Chairman

                              Cllrs: Mr N White, Mr D Horwat



Also Present:    Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council

                              Cllr P Skinner, Lincolnshire County Council



Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance.


24/72  Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr F Osborne, Cllr J Self-Shutts, Cllr N Chandler, Cllr P Bedford and Cllr D Broughton.


24/73    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011

There were no declarations of interest given.


24/74  To receive and approve the notes of the Council meetings held on Monday 16 September 2024

It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held 16 September 2024 be approved as a record of the meeting and be signed by the Chairman.


24/75    Reports from Lincolnshire County Council/Boston Borough Council

Cllr P Skinner gave a verbal report regarding Lincolnshire County Council updates including confirmation that he had completed an inspection throughout the outlying areas of the Boston Coastal ward.


24/76   Issues relating to the Playing Fields, Potholes and the Environment of the Parish

Playing Fields

Cllr Horwat stated that there were no issues to report


The Chairman stated that there was nothing further to add as Cllr Skinner had completed a recent inspection.


Cllr Horwat stated that the grit bin next to the bus shelter had been replaced.

Cllr Horwat also asked if the footpaths could be reported as overgrown. Cllr Skinner confirmed these were due to be cut.


24/77  Leverton Leisure Centre

Cllr Horwat confirmed that the committee appeared to have matters in hand and a maintenance plan had been put in place. He also stated that the treasurer was currently applying for grant funding to assist with the cost of the maintenance and repairs.



24/78 Planning application PL/0087/24

For a new single storey, two bay, on call fire station with associated vehicle access, parking, drill area and training tower location: Land off the A52, Main Road, Leverton

Details of the application had been circulated to all members of the Council prior to the meeting.

The clerk also made members aware of a petition against the development, which had been signed by a number of parishioners, however as the Parish Council did not have any power to instigate or to utilise this petition it was not forwarded or included in their comments which were as follows:


The new construction will meet Policy 1 requirements as it will be erected within the settlement boundary, will support their role as a service centre whilst sustaining the emergency services provision for the immediate and wider communities. Members of Leverton Parish Council have also noted that further policies within both the SELLP and the NPPF have already been positively addressed within the comprehensive Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment, the Design and Access statement, the Development Management reports, Ecological Impact report, Traffic Impact reports and Flood Risk and Drainage reports. However, taking all these points into consideration and looking at the Consultee responses, some requesting conditions, it would be extremely remiss of Members of Leverton Parish Council to overlook the opinions and submissions of the residents of their parish.

Therefore, the Parish Council RESOLVED to submit the following comments:

The safety of all members of the public and the employees/volunteers of the Fire Brigade should always be of the utmost priority when considering this application. As a result, members of Leverton Parish Council wish to state, if this is the only suitable site for construction of the new fire station, they recommend a condition of appropriate traffic enforcement signage, road marking, and lighting be considered, bearing in mind the potential for additional lighting to adversely affect nearby residents.


24/79    Finance

The clerk provided the quotation from Kompan for the replacement fire engine seat. Members of the council RESOLVED to accept the quote.

It was proposed and RESOLVED to accept the payments as per the payment sheet 10/2024 details below:

October Payments


Malc Firth


Lay-by grounds maintenance


D Horwat


Playing field expenses


Staff Costs


Staff costs


Boston Sign Company




Leverton Poors Land Trust


Playing Field Rent


Royal British Legion


Remembrance Wreath







24/80 Matters for discussion only or to be added to the next agenda.

Cllr White reported that he had received a complaint regarding dogs not on leads and fouling and  he asked if the council could obtain some ‘keep dogs on leads’ signage. The clerk confirmed she would contact Cllr Bedford and ask for the signs and if enforcement officers could patrol the area.

Cllr White reported that he had also received a complaint from the resident neighbouring Lacey’s Pit who wished for the overhanging hedge to be cut back. The Clerk confirmed she would contact the tenant and ask for this to be arranged.


24/81    Date of the next Parish Council Meeting

Date of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 18 November 2024. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed.