November 2024 Minutes

                                                             MONDAY 18 NOVEMBER 2024

Present:    Cllr D Durrant – Chairman
                 Cllrs: Mrs J Self-Shutts, Mrs F Osborne, Mr D Horwat, Mr N CHandler
Also Present:    Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council 
                         Cllr P Skinner, Lincolnshire County Council
                         Cllr P Bedford, Boston Borough Council
                         Cllr D Broughton, Boston Borough Council 
                         1 member of the public

Public Forum
There was one member of the public in attendance to highlight speeding along the A52,  outside the park on Laceys Lane and the overgrown footpath along the A52 to Old Leake. As these issues were not contained within Leverton PC powers and were part of Lincolnshire CC remit, the member was directed to raise his issues with Cllr P Skinner.

24/82  Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr N White.

24/83    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest given.

24/84  To receive and approve the notes of the Council meetings held on Monday 16 September 2024 
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held 21 October 2024 be approved as a record of the meeting and be signed by the Chairman.

24/85    Reports from Lincolnshire County Council/Boston Borough Council
Cllr P Skinner gave a verbal report regarding Lincolnshire County Council updates.
Cllr D Broughton gave an update on matters relating to Boston Borough Council

24/86   Issues relating to the Playing Fields, Potholes and the Environment of the Parish
Playing Fields
Cllr Horwat stated that there were no issues to report
Cllr P Skinner advised to continue reporting via FixMyStreet and that those within the outlying areas of the parish continue to be repaired. Cllr Chandler and Cllr Osborne asked when the poorly addressed potholes along Highgate were going to be repaired as the present state was extremely uneven to the point of dangerous. The Chairman expressed his concerns that operatives were observed to take what appeared to be a rather long time to effect a relatively minor repair.
Cllr Skinner confirmed he was aware of this and would look into it. 
Cllr P Bedford confirmed that Cllr White had picked up the dog fouling signs which had been requested and Cllr Self-Shutts confirmed that these had been put up on various Public Footpath signs. The Chairman stated that Cllr White had requested a further 4 signs and Cllr Osborne suggested an agenda item be carried to the next meeting for a discussion of where they should be placed prior to ordering any more.

24/87  Leverton Leisure Centre
Cllr Horwat confirmed that there were no issues to report.

24/88    Finance 
It was proposed and RESOLVED to accept the payments as per the payment sheet 11/2024 details below:
October Payments


Malc Firth


Lay-by grounds maintenance


D Horwat


Playing field expenses


Staff Costs


Staff costs


Witham Group







24/89 Matters for discussion only or to be added to the next agenda.
The clerk asked if it was possible to consider a suitable place to put a Christmas Tree for next year. Cllr P Skinner confirmed that a tree could be planted in the lay-by after gaining permission from Lincolnshire CC. The clerk confirmed she would begin the process.  

24/90    Date of the next Parish Council Meeting
Date of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 16 December 2024. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed.